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The Assessor is responsible for placing a Fair Cash Value (Market) on property as of the tax date (January 1) of each year. Oklahoma property taxes are "ad valorem", a Latin term meaning "as to value." Property tax systems are based on market value of real, personal and public service properties. All property in the State of Oklahoma is taxable unless a federal or state law provides an exemption. Public service properties are centrally valued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. County Assessors in Oklahoma are responsible for establishing values of all taxable property within a county. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills. The Assessor has no jurisdiction or responsibility for taxing jurisdiction budgets or establishing the tax rate.
By Title 68 Section 2815 of the Ad Valorem Tax code, "the County Assessor shall take an oath that he will assess all property as provided by law." To ensure that fair and equal assessments are achieved, this office has fully trained and accredited field appraisers who continually work to update property records fairly and accurately. Tulsa County's appraisal system is based on modern, sound and nationally accepted appraisal principles and methods.
The County Assessor's only function is assessment of property. The Assessor's office does not set your tax rate or collect taxes. Tax rates are set by the County Excise Board depending on funding needed for units of government and schools, as allowed by Oklahoma law, and to pay for bonds approved by voters for capital improvements such as utilities, education, libraries and school buildings. The County Treasurer's office is responsible for the collection of all tax monies.